The list below is our full range of guarantees provided by Fozera sellers, and how they protect you:

  • Late deliveries?

Always check the seller’s On-time Delivery Guarantee Time and make sure your desired delivery date falls within this time-frame.

  • What can I do if my order doesn’t arrive within the seller’s guaranteed delivery time?

You can submit refund requests after your order has been completed. You can do this by opening a dispute in the Order details page. Please note that you can only open one dispute per order.

  • I have not received goods. What can I do?

Please Track the parcel to check the package status:

– If the package is in transit with normal logistic update:

According to our past experience, the majority of the packages will be delivered within the Estimated delivery date promised by the seller.

If your package does not arrive by the promised time, please open dispute and we will help you then. We appreciate your patience.

  • Get a full refund if you received a counterfeit product

All Guaranteed Genuine Products have been verified by Fozera. Should you still receive a counterfeit product, You will get a full refund (Shipping costs included).

Our Buyer Protection Policy covers your entire purchase journey. If you have any question about Buyer Protection Policy please contact our Help Center.